1 semaine de formation aux stratégies thérapeutiques innovantes et aux nouvelles techniques opératoires Interventions chirurgicales en live ou video Meilleures techniques chirurgicales, mini invasives en particulier Sessions interactives avec experts internationaux et leaders d’opinion Programme du 14-18 Octobre 2019: Bordeaux...
mai 2020
Abstract BACKGROUND: 15-20% of patients with rectal cancer have synchronous liver metastases at presentation. There is limited evidence about the outcome for those with advanced rectal cancer who undergo pelvic exenteration and simultaneous liver resection. METHODS: Data from twenty international...
Abstract BACKGROUND & AIMS: The Rutgeerts' scoring system is used to evaluate patients with Crohn's disease (CD) following ileocolic resection, based on endoscopic findings at the anastomosis and in the neoterminal ileum. We investigated rates of clinical and surgical recurrence...
Comment on Optimizing Rectal Cancer Neoadjuvant Therapy-How to Manage a cCR? [Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2020] VOIR LA PUBLICATION SUR PUBMED
Abstract BACKGROUND: Laparoscopy, by its minimally invasive nature, has revolutionized digestive and particularly colorectal surgery by decreasing post-operative pain, morbidity, and length of hospital stay. In this trial, we aim to assess whether low pressure in laparoscopic colonic surgery (7 mm...